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Molecular Biology

The following videos cover "Applying plant material to FTA cards, for long term storage", "Preparing an FTA disc for amplification", and "Gel electrophoresis - casting, loading and running agarose gel".


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PCR Preparation:​

This is a demonstration on how to use an FTA disc and the PCR amplification reaction. it is a snippet taken from one of the other videos shown below. this video is also available on YouTube.

Chapter 1 of 2 - Applying Plant Material to FTA Cards for Long Term Storage:

This video covers the benefits of using FTA cards, along with long term storage options. The video is also available on YouTube.​

Chapter 2 of 2 - Preparing an FTA Disc for Amplification:

The video covers the steps to be taken when preparing an FTA card for amplification. The video is also available on YouTube.

Gel Electrophoresis - Casting, Loading and Running Agarose Gel:

This video follows on from the "Using FTA Cards" video shown above. The video covers how to create, prepare, and run agarose gel. Viewers of this video should consult part 2 of the charity's hPAGE video to see the next step of the process, which involves photographing the gel. The video is also available on YouTube.

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