Development of common bean varieties tolerant to high temperatures in Mozambique
The IIAM Bean Breeding Team, 2023. Left to right: Mr Nildo Nhampossa, Mr Simao Willian, Dr Bento Filipe Francisco, Dr Celestina Jochua (PI), Dr Manuel Amane.
In Mozambique, the major common bean production areas are located in high altitudes of the central and northern regions, where the crop is grown under rainfed conditions. However, due to high temperatures during the rainy season in southern Mozambique, beans are grown only under irrigation during the dry season in lowland areas. In recent years, the average minimum and maximum temperatures have increased, negatively affecting the productivity of common bean, resulting in a shortage of beans for food security and nutrition as well as a source of income. To overcome this constraint, there is a need of developing heat tolerant common bean varieties for these regions.
In previous projects, IIAM evaluated different collections of common bean genotypes during the hot season in Chokwe, including populations derived from crosses between tepary bean (P. acutifoliuis) and common bean. The results indicate that tepary lines may be used as sources of tolerance for heat stress for common bean improving breeding programmes.
To develop common bean varieties adapted to high temperature in Mozambique.
To characterise and create database of races or pathotypes of the bean rust pathogen present in the main bean production regions and identify sources of resistance to bean rust.
To introgress rust resistance genes into local susceptible commercial varieties and advanced breeding lines using MAS.
To develop KASP (Kompetitive allele specific PCR) molecular markers linked to bean rust resistance.
Evaluation of common bean lines under farmer’s conditions in Chokwe (Feb 2023).
Evaluation of common bean lines on station Chokwe (Feb 2023).
Progress to date
The first phase of the project identified16 promising bean lines from a collection of 90 bean lines derived from crosses between common bean and tepary bean. These selected bean lines will be included in advanced field test and will also be used as parents to develop bean varieties tolerant to high temperature.
24 lines were selected for testing from previous projects for tolerance to abiotic stresses that include high temperature, drought and low phosphorus. 10 promising lines have been identified. 7 promising lines were tested under famer conditions in the hot season and 2 lines (IBC 301-204 and MHR 311-17) gave the highest yield.
Participatory variety selection (PVS) was performed for the 24 lines. The 5 preferred bean lines are being evaluated for potential release as varieties or to be used as parents in breeding programmes.
Seed multiplication at Chokwe Research Station of 300 lines derived from crosses between common and tepary bean in 2022 (i); Kufuna (ii); and Tiyela (iii); common bean varieties adapted to soils with low Phosphorous content bred by Dr Jochua; field preparation for the evaluation of tepary and common bean hybrids grown in the hot season at Chokwe Research Station (iv); and at farmers' fields for participatory evaluation of sex of the best performing lines (v).
Dr Celestina Jochua
Principal Investigator, Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM).
Dr Jochua leads the KT-funded bean improvement programme in Mozambique. She holds a PhD in Plant Nutrition from Penn State University, USA, and an MSc in Biological Sciences - Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA.
Dr Manuel Amane
Dr Samuel Camilo Salima
Dr Bento Filipe Francisco
Mr Nildo Nhampossa
Mr Simão William